General Enrolment information
Marymede Catholic College Campuses:
- South Morang Campus: Prep – Year 12
- Doreen Campus: Year 7 – Year 12
The College has two major enrolment intakes each year:
- Prep
- Year 7 (including the new Year 7 intake at Doreen Campus, which commenced in 2024).
Students in Years 1 to 6 and Years 8 to 12 may also apply, subject to availability and an enrolment interview.
Currently in 2025, there is a Year 7 cohort and a Year 8 cohort at our Doreen Campus. From 2026 there will be Years 7, 8 and 9 and so on until there is a full campus of Years 7 -12 by 2029.
There is no entrance examination, but all families are expected to support the Catholic ethos and adhere to College policies on learning, teaching, conduct, discipline, presentation, and uniform.
Online Application Process:
All applications must be submitted via our online application form, which includes a non-refundable and non-transferable application fee of $165.
Required Documents (where applicable):
- A copy of the Birth Certificate if the student is an Australian Citizen
- A copy of the Birth Certificate/Passport/Visa (including Permanent Residency) if the student is not an Australian Citizen (please note that additonal fees will apply for full-fee-paying overseas students - FFPOS)
- Any court or parenting orders that exist relating to the guardianship arrangements for the student
- Baptism Certificate
- Immunisation Statement
- Most Recent School Reports
- Most Recent NAPLAN Report
- Additional Needs Information
- Medical Information
Campus Catchment Areas for Secondary Applications:
- From April 7, 2022, applicants living in the Doreen Campus catchment applying for cohorts available at Doreen (e.g., Years 7 and 8 in 2025, Years 7, 8 and 9 in 2026, etc.) will be offered enrolment at Doreen Campus by default, unless they have a sibling enrolled at South Morang who commenced or accepted enrolment before this date.
- If the Doreen Campus is full for the applicant’s year level, the Principal may offer a place at South Morang Campus if space is available.
- For applicants living outside both catchment areas, the College will allocate the application to the closer campus based on driving distance.
Catchment Area Maps:
- Available on our website under Enrolments.
- If you live outside both catchment areas, please use Google Maps to check driving distances carefully before selecting your preferred campus on the application form.
VISA Information
Pl ease note that Marymede
Contact Us:
For further information about enrolments, please contact our Student Enrolment Coordinator:
- Phone: 03 9407 9000
- Email: registrar@marymede.vic.edu.au
Enrolment Dates
Years 1-6
Limited places available, however please note that waitlists often apply - please contact the College for more information.
Year 7-11
Limited places available, however please note that waitlists often apply - please contact the College for more information.
Applications are now open, and close on 31 May 2025 - click here to apply online.
Year 7
South Morang Campus and Doreen Campus
A waitlist currently applies for Year 7 2026 for both Campuses - to join the wait list click here to apply online, or contact the College for more information.
Prep 2027 applications will open in January 2026 and close on 31 May 2026.
Year 7 (South Morang and Doreen Campuses)
Applications are now open and will close on Friday 29 August 2025.
Enrolment interviews are taking take place throughout August, September and early October 2025.
Offers of a place will be posted to prospective Year 7 2027 applicants on Friday 17 October 2025.
Please Note: Upon applying for positions at the College, all parents must agree to (by way of signature within our Application Form) our Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct.
More information regarding the Doreen Campus can be found here.