To view the MACS Enrolment Policies, Agreements and Code of Conduct documents, please visit the Policies page on our website.

The priority categories, detailed in the MACS Enrolment Policy, are summarised below:

Primary Students

Marymede Catholic College gives priority (if places are available) in the following order:
(if an applicant is already attending their local parish Catholic primary school, an offer of enrolment can only be made for pastoral reasons by negotiation with their local authority):

  1. Catholic children who are residents of the parish. 

  2. Siblings of children already enrolled at Marymede College

  3. Catholic children who are not residents of the parish but are recognised as parishioners by the parish priest 

  4. Catholic children from other parishes 

  5. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who are residents of the parish

  6. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who reside outside the parish

  7. Other Christian children who are residents of the parish

  8. Other Christian children who reside outside the parish

  9. Non-Christian children who are residents of the parish

  10. Non-Christian children who reside outside the parish.

Secondary Students

Please note that the parish catchments referred to below are different for the South Morang Campus and the Doreen Campus:

Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, South Morang: 
             a.    Parish: St Francis of Assisi (Mill Park) 
             b.    Parish Catholic primary schools: Marymede Catholic College in (South Morang) and St Francis of Assisi (Mill Park) 

Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, Doreen:

            a.    Parish: Christ the Light (Doreen, Kinglake, Mernda and Whittlesea)
            b.    Parish Catholic primary schools: St Paul the Apostle (Doreen),
                        St Joseph’s (Mernda) and St Mary’s (Whittlesea)

Marymede Catholic College gives priority in the following order:

1. Catholic children who are residents of a designated priority parish and have attended a Catholic primary school in one of those parishes

2. Siblings of children already enrolled in the school

Please note : if you reside in Doreen Campus Parish (Christ the Light -Doreen, Kinglake, Mernda and Whittlesea) and the application is for a cohort available at the Doreen Campus:
            a.    If the applicant has a sibling enrolled, or who accepted an offer of enrolment, at the South Morang Campus PRIOR to April 7 2022* - the offer of enrolment will be for the South Morang Campus or the Doreen Campus, the family may indicate their preference 
            b.    If the applicant has a sibling enrolled, or who accepted an offer of enrolment, at the South Morang Campus AFTER April 7 2022* - the offer of enrolment will be for the Doreen Campus

*This was the date that the new enrolment criteria for the Doreen Campus was published/announced.

Going forward from this date all offers of enrolment to an applicant living in Doreen Campus catchment for any year level and enrolment year (i.e. 7 2024) available at the Doreen Campus will default to the Doreen Campus, unless the applicant has a sibling already enrolled, or who accepted an offer of enrolment, at the South Morang Campus prior to April 7.

If an applicant's year level and year of entry is full at the Doreen Campus and the applicant lives in Doreen Campus catchment, the Principal may make an offer of enrolment at the South Morang Campus (if places are available).

3. Catholic children who are residents of a designated priority parish and have not attended a Catholic primary school

4. Catholic children from other parishes

5. children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish

6. children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish

7. other Christian children who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish

8. other Christian children who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish

9. non-Christian children who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish

10. non-Christian children who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.