Our Programs


The Marymede Early Learning Centre program draws its foundations from the Early Years Learning Framework, which aims to ensure that children in all early childhood education experience quality teaching and learning. The Early Years Learning Framework has been designed for use by early childhood educators working in partnership with families.

Our program is based on providing children with the opportunity to achieve the following Early Years Learning Outcomes, as detailed by the Early Years Learning Framework:

o    Children have a strong sense of identity
o    Children are connected with and contribute to their world
o    Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
o    Children are confident and involved learners
o    Children are effective communicators

Our program is informed by the best insight of our Prep teachers around the skills and dispositions children require to be school-ready and best placed to commence their primary school journey. We aim to establish a strong pathway for young minds to grow. This is achieved by delivering a flexible program which provides every child with rich learning opportunities tailored to meet their social, emotional, creative, physical, language and intellectual needs.

Each child is encouraged to learn, discover and grow through carefully planned indoor and outdoor learning experiences. Our program is based on play-based learning that allows children to investigate, think, challenge, imagine and build on their understandings. This is complemented with adult-guided enquiry that capitalises on childrens’ natural capacity to ask questions and encourage questioning, collaboration, communication and problem solving.

Our program aims to instil a sense of excitement about learning, a curiosity about the world, and the courage to investigate, experiment, question and create. These skills lay the groundwork for future learning confidence and success. An extensive range of experiences are on offer that encourage children to become engaged learners. Emphasis is placed on building the foundations for literacy and numeracy, through multisensory and play-based approaches. Children have opportunities to expand their experiences, drawing on the resources and expertise in wide ranging areas such as Music, Performing Arts, Library and Information Technology, Languages, Physical Education and Science.

Most importantly, it is essential to us that while students in our Centre are engaged in a contemporary and developmentally appropriate program that nurtures them, from their perspective, their day is about play, fun and spending time with friends.