Meet the Teacher - Ms Megan Richardson

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In this edition of 'Meet the Teacher' we speak with Ms. Megan Richardson, a member of our Secondary Teaching Team.

Name: Megan Richardson – Secondary Teacher –  

What is your role at the College?

I teach two Year 12 English classes, two Year 11 English classes and a group of Year 9 Commerce students. I am also very involved with the Senior English – SOS program on Wednesday nights.

Tell us about an interesting project or topic that you are currently working on with one of your classes?

At the moment, both of my English classes are gearing up for their ‘Analysing Argument’ SAC, which requires them to work out how writers use language to persuade. It can be quite tricky and requires lots of higher order thinking skills.

My Commerce recently ran a market for the Grade Five Marymede students, selling either products or services that would appeal to them. They were required undertake lots of market research and preparation for the big day and it was extremely rewarding to see the culmination of all their hard work!

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

I think there are lots of rewarding aspects of teaching but I suppose I think the most rewarding aspect is being able to help and support students with their learning and watching as they grow in confidence and ability. Often students don’t see the progress because they are so caught up in doing better but we as teachers get to see the small improvements along the way, which often reminds us why we work as hard as we do.

Fast Five:

Favourite Food: Fried Chicken and Cadbury chocolate

Favourite Movie/TV Show: I am a Harry Potter fanatic so I guess it would be the Harry Potter franchise in general.

Hidden Talent or Something We May Not Know About You: I find it really easy to remember song lyrics. I only need to hear a song once or twice to know the song and then once it is in there, it’s there forever! 

Favourite Sporting Team: I am not really a sports person. I would much rather spend time with friends, watch movies or hang out with my dogs!

If You Could Pick Any 3 People as Dinner Guests, Who Would They Be and Why?:

J.K Rowling - I would love to pick her brain about the world she created through her books and how she was able to write in a way that inspired millions of children to love reading

Jane Austen - Again, an author I admire for her cutting wit and perceptive understanding of society.

Malala Yousafzai - An amazing young woman with incredible wisdom beyond her years.