Our staff

Great learning takes exceptional teaching. And that’s what we have at Marymede.

Our teaching staff have a culture of shared teaching practice – which means we all embrace the notion of on-going, collaborative learning and constant improvement.

Marymede teachers are highly committed to their students and engaged with their colleagues. We have a high and reliable staff attendance rate and a strong retention rate.

We invest in our teachers, with ongoing professional development to support the learning and needs of our students.

The focus of our professional learning is on:

  • Differentiating teaching styles to cater for individual students
  • Using data and assessment to accurately monitor and enhance student progress
  • Integrating technology in the classroom for relevant and engaging learning experiences.

Survey results for Year 5 to Year 12 students, along with anecdotal feedback from younger students, confirms that students at Marymede feel safe and cared for by their teachers.