Meet the Teacher - Mrs Stacey Brice

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In this edition of 'Meet the Teacher' we speak with Mrs. Stacey Brice, a member of our Primary Teaching Team who also happens to be one of our foundation Staff members (having joined the College in its establisment year of 2006).

Name: Stacey Brice – Primary Teacher –

What is your role at the College?

I currently work 2 days a week, teaching PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) to all of the children in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2. PMP exposes students to a range of movements that aim to develop their perceptions of themselves and to build the range of skills required to manage the demands of schooling, specifically fine motor skills, developing perception, judgement, focus and eye movement. 

I am also very involved with the Primary School Choir that meets every Wednesday after school. 

Tell us about an interesting project or topic that you are currently working on with one of your classes?

As this is a brand new Specialist subject this year, we began our classes back in Term 1 with whole class activities.  We have now moved on to completing four different rotational activities every lesson, spending roughly 10 minutes at each activity.  All activities focus specifically on balance, locomotion, hand/eye coordination and fitness. 

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

The most rewarding aspect for me is watching my students learn and witnessing that 'Lightbulb Moment' when they actually understand a concept. That moment makes it all worthwhile. Seeing the joy, excitement and sometimes relief on their faces when they learn something that they did not know before is simply priceless.   

I also love teaching across various levels as I am able to develop amazing relationships with many students in our Primary years. 

Fast Five:

Favourite Food: Chocolate - Must be Cadbury or Lindt!

Favourite Movie/TV Show: Movie: The Sound of Music / TV Show: Friends

Hidden Talent or Something We May Not Know About You: I started dancing when I was 3 years of age and only stopped at the age of 27 (when I fell pregnant with my first daughter). 

I also had private singing lessons throughout my entire Secondary schooling, which is why I enjoy working with Ms. Oman and the Primary School Choir! 

Favourite Sporting Team: Not really into Sports as an adult, however, I did grow up in a household full of Collingwood supporters! 

If You Could Pick Any 3 People as Dinner Guests, Who Would They Be and Why?:

I would love to have my 3 deceased grandparents (Nana, Nonna & Nonno) over for dinner to introduce them to my two gorgeous daughters. My Grandparents would have loved to have spent time with my girls and watch them grow and achieve in all areas of their lives. 

Stacey's 2006 foundation Staff member photo!