In this edition of 'Meet the Teacher' we speak with Ms. Toni Dicello, a member of Marymede Early Learning Centre (3 and 4 Year Old Kindergarten).
Name: Toni Dicello – Early Childhood Teacher –
What is your role at the College?
In 2019 I am teaching one of our 4 Year Old Kindergarten Groups at Marymede Early Learning Centre.
Tell us about an interesting project or topic that you are currently running with one of your classes?
To commence the Kindergarten year, Naomi, the ELC staff and I are working towards creating an engaging and inspiring learning space for our kindergartners to explore.
Our team are in constant discussion of how we can continuously extend our children’s learning and we find using project based learning enables us to holistically integrate numeracy, literacy, science and technology into the program. As many of our families have holidayed by the beach, we thought it would be meaningful to begin the year with an inquiry into marine life and the ocean as an ecosystem.
Within our specialists classes and indoor/outdoor programs, our young protagonists will have the opportunity to create their own ocean ecosystem, experiment with salt water density, explore ocean currents and develop an awareness of the impact human activity has on our oceans.
What is the most rewarding aspect of being a Teacher?
Without doubt, the most rewarding aspect of being an Early Childhood Teacher is having a direct impact on children’s learning and later life success.
Fast Five:
Favourite Food: Chocolate
Favourite Movie/TV Show: Movie: Cry Freedom; TV Show: Friends
Hidden Talent/Hobby or Something We May Not Know About You: One of my hobbies is Creative Writing!
Favourite Sporting Team/Athlete: Essendon Bombers
If You Could Pick Any 3 People as Dinner Guests, Who Would They Be and Why?:
1. Noam Chomsky
2. Leo Tolstoy
3. William Shakespeare
Some of the greatest literary and philosophical thinkers in one room would be extremely inspiring and make for some interesting conversation.