New Doreen 7-12 Campus - now open!




Applications are now open for:
  • Year 7 and 8 2025 - limited places available.
  • Year 7 2026 - however waitlist may apply.
  • Year 7 2027, applications close mid-August 2026. 

The following information offers a summary of information regarding the College’s new Doreen Campus. Questions regarding this information can be directed to


What facilities will be at the Marymede Catholic College Doreen Campus?



•    Eminence Boulevard, Doreen
•    Located between St Paul the Apostle Catholic Primary School and Hazelglen College


Development of facilities

•    The Masterplan for the Marymede Catholic College Doreen Campus is planned to be implemented according to the following details.  




2024                      Ein Karem Building (Junior A building):

Campus Reception

Digital Technology


Food Technology

General purpose classrooms

Green Screen Room

Learning Diversity Precinct

Library and other learning resources

Media Arts


Product Design: Wood




Visual Arts

Wellbeing and Counselling Services


                              Hockey/Soccer Pitch


2025                      Fitness Centre

Double Internal Basketball Court with retractable seating for 900 people

Circuit Room


Music Classrooms

Drama and Dance Studios

Food Technology Kitchens

Additional covered outside courts


2026                      Science and Technology Building

6 Science Laboratories

4 Product Design Technology Workshops (Wood, Textiles, VET Electrotechnology)


          Large AFL/Cricket Oval (with lights)

          Lights to the Hockey/Soccer Pitch

          Larger carpark



2027                      Campus Hub Building

7 Additional classrooms

Permanent Campus Reception

Permanent Counselling and Wellbeing Services Centre.

Permanent Learning Diversity Centre

Permanent Canteen                                

Three level Library/Resource Centre

Recreational Forecourt





2028                      General Purpose Classroom Building

10 Additional classrooms


2029                      General Purpose Classroom Building

10 Additional classrooms



Access for students with disabilities

•    Access to facilities for those with disabilities will be provided at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Relationship with St Paul the Apostle Catholic Primary School 

•    The Marymede Catholic College Secondary Doreen Campus will be located adjacent to St Paul the Apostle Primary School.  St Paul the Apostle will use some of the College facilities as part of a partnership which will be developed.

Exterior view of the Ein Karem Building (Junior Learning A) North East 


Internal view of the Ein Karem Building (Junior Learning A) Amptheatre

Internal view of the Ein Karem Building (Junior Learning A) Green Room

Exterior view of of the Fitness Centre from Oval (Opening 2025)


Exterior view of of the Fitness Centre - Eastern Sports Courts (Opening 2025)


Internal view of the Fitness Centre - Double Court Gymnasium (Opening 2025)

Internal view of the Fitness Centre - Food Technology Rooms (Opening 2025)

Internal view of the Fitness Centre - Dance/Drama Rooms (Opening 2025)

Internal view of the Fitness Centre - Music Rooms (Opening 2025)

Aerial View of the Campus looking East 

Aerial View of the Campus looking West 


How will the College’s two campuses operate?
Catholic Identity

Religious Education

•    All students at all campuses of the College will study Religious Education as part of their program each year.

Liturgical life of the College
•    Students will be invited to pray and participate in celebrating Eucharist at the Doreen Campus.
•    The College may celebrate Eucharist on campus in venues such as open classroom spaces and the Fitness Centre. Christ the Light Parish is also building a church opposite where the College is being built in Doreen and so there may be the opportunity for students to attend Mass in the church. 

Student learning program

•    The College will facilitate the same Years 7 – 12 curriculum at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Assessment and reporting
•    Assessment tasks and student reports will be the same at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Learning Diversity
•    The College will facilitate a Learning Diversity Program at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

•    The Years 7 to 12 timetable with be the same at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    The daily start and finish times will be common across both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Camps and retreats
•    Camps and retreats will be the same for both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses, however, they will take place in campus-based groups.

•    When it comes time for VCE Pathways and VET subjects to be offered at the Doreen Campus, the same VCE subjects will be offered at both Doreen and South Morang Campuses and classes will run based on student interest.  Some VET classes with specialist facilities may run from one of the campuses with students from both campuses able to attend the classes.  The College would facilitate transport for such arrangements.
•    Year 12 VCE Exams will conducted from both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Student wellbeing

•    The College House system will operate at both Doreen and South Morang Campuses.  The organisation of Pastoral classes and regular classes will be planned with respect to student enrolment.
•    The College has policy and practices related to preventing and addressing bullying and these will be in place at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    Student expectations will be common across both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    College wellbeing programs and counselling services will be facilitated at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    First Aid services will operate at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Student leadership 
•    Student leadership opportunities will be offered at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.  The program may vary for Doreen Campus as year levels progress through the campus.


Extra-curricular activities

Performing Arts
•    Instrumental music lessons will be offered to students at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    Students at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses will have the opportunity to audition for College Plays and Musicals.

•    Interschool sport will run from both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    The College’s aim if for students to represent the College as one multi-campus team at major carnivals.  The intention is for more frequently played team sport to be played in teams from each campus.  This may vary in the early stages of Doreen Campus.

Other activities
•    A range of extra-curricular activities will be on offer for students at both Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

College leadership

•    The College will be led strategically by a number of staff with responsibilities for school leadership across both campuses. This will include the Principal, Deputy Principals and Business Manager.  These leaders will spend time at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.
•    Both Doreen and South Morang Campuses will be led by campus-based leaders who will be responsible for the leadership of the day to day operations of the campus and the implementation of College strategic directions.
•    Teachers will generally teach classes at either Doreen or South Morang Campuses and not travel between campuses.

Campus operations

Advisory Council and Parents and Friends Committee
•    There will remain one College Advisory Council.
•    Parents from both Doreen and South Morang Campuses will be invited to join the College’s Parents and Friends Committee.

•    Student and Campus Reception will be present at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

•    A canteen or lunch order system will be in place at the Doreen Campus in the first year before the on-site canteen begins in 2025.

College calendar
•    Term dates and student free days will be common across both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

College and Campus events
•    The College will gather for some whole College events each year.  Over time these events will take place at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.  Students will travel by bus to and from the alternative campus on such occasions.
•    Each campus will also facilitate its own events including eucharists and assemblies.

College Finance Services
•    The College Finance Team will continue to be based at the South Morang Campus, however, parents will be able to pay fees at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

•    Student fees will be the same at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

IT Support
•    The College IT Helpdesk will operate at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Cleaning and maintenance
•    The College Maintenance and Cleaning Teams will operate at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

•    College policies will be common for both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

Student uniform
•    The student uniform will be the same for students at both the Doreen and South Morang Campuses.

•    Chartered College Bus Services organised by the College for families - for more information visit the transport information on our website.
•    Currently:
      o    PTV Public Bus 384 runs between Mernda Train Station and nearby the Doreen campus.
      o    PTV Public Bus 385 runs south from Whittlesea and stops near the Doreen campus.
•    At times there may be travel between campuses for events for students and the College would organise such travel.


How will enrolments be approached across the College’s two secondary campuses?

•    The Campus is being designed to cater for enrolments of the equivalent of 8 streams for each year level of students across Years 7 to 12.
•   Year 7 2024 will be the first year level of students on the campus.
•   Each year one additional year level will be added, meaning that in 2029 the campus will be fully operating as a Year 7 to Year 12 campus of Marymede Catholic College.

Enrolment criteria
The enrolment criteria for students to be enrolled in Year 7 at the College as of 2024 is consistent with MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) Policy. These details are as follows:

Priority enrolment - Secondary

There is an agreed order of priority for enrolment in MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools), which must be followed in the enrolment policy and procedures. 

The first priority of Catholic schools is the provision of a Catholic education for Catholic children.

The order of priority is:

1.   Catholic children who are residents of a designated priority parish and have attended a Catholic primary school in one of those parishes Designated priority parish Catholic primary schools relating to Marymede Catholic College secondary campuses will be:          

      i.    Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, Doreen: 
            a.    Parish: Christ the Light (Doreen, Kinglake, Mernda and Whittlesea)
            b.    Parish Catholic primary schools: St Paul the Apostle (Doreen), St Joseph’s (Mernda) and St Mary’s (Whittlesea)

      ii.    Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, South Morang
             a.    Parish: St Francis of Assisi (Mill Park) 
             b.    Parish Catholic primary schools: St Francis of Assisi (Mill Park) and Marymede Catholic College (South Morang)

2.   Children who reside in the Parish of Christ the Light and are already students of Marymede Catholic College before 7 April 2022 (when Year 7 2024 enrolments opened for Marymede Catholic College Doreen Campus) will have the option of proceeding to secondary school at either:
             a.    Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, Doreen
             b.    Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, South Morang

3.    Siblings of children already enrolled in the school. This means that younger siblings of children enrolled at the College prior to 7 April 2022 who live in Christ the Light Parish may go to secondary school at Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, South Morang

4.    Catholic children who are residents of a designated priority parish and have not attended a Catholic primary school. Marymede Catholic College secondary campuses relating to students who reside in a priority parish and have not attended a Catholic primary school are:
              a.    Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, Doreen: students who live in the parish of Christ the Light (Doreen, Kinglake, Mernda and Whittlesea)
              b.    Marymede Catholic College Years 7 to 12 Campus, South Morang: students who live in the parish of St Francis of Assisi (Mill Park and South Morang)

5.   Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons)

6.   Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.  The parish zones outlined above will apply.

7.   Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.  The parish zones outlined above will apply.

8.   Other Christian children who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.  The parish zones outlined above will apply.

9.   Other Christian children who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.  The parish zones outlined above will apply.

10.  Non-Christian children who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.  The parish zones outlined above will apply.

11.  Non-Christian children who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.  Students will be zoned the Marymede Catholic College Campus which is closest to their placed of residence.

Please note that enrolment in a Marymede Catholic College Early Learning Centre has no bearing on enrolment in Marymede Catholic College.

ENROLMENTS (Parish Boundaries) 

The following images highlight the boundaries for both St Francis of Assisi and Christ the Light Parishes.

St Francis of Assisi:

Christ the Light Parish:

Close up images of the boundary between Christ the Light and St Francis of Assisi Parish:

•    Blue line is the boundary in the following images: