Marymede Catholic College is an ELC to Year 12 Catholic College with a Prep to Year 12 Campus in South Morang and a Year 7 to Year 12 Campus in Doreen for Year 7 and Year 8 in 2025.  ELCs operate at both Campuses.

The College serves the families from the parishes of St Francis of Assisi (Mill Park and South Morang) and Christ the Light (Doreen, Kinglake, Mernda, and Whittlesea) under the governance of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS).

Proud to express our Catholic Identity, we are committed to the learning and growth of the whole person, providing a hope-filled learning environment which is ambitious, differentiated, caring, inclusive, evidence-informed and contemporary.

As a workplace we strive to create an environment where people find purpose, are challenged, supported and thrive professionally.


Staff are employed under the Catholic Education Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022.

Successful applicants will have a demonstrated commitment to Catholic education and to the safety and wellbeing of children.

The Marymede Catholic College community is committed to the safety, wellbeing, protection and inclusion of all children in our care.

Applicants will have a demonstrated commitment to Catholic education and to the safety and wellbeing of children.

Applications will include:

•    Application letter (one page or less) addressed to Timothy Newcomb, Principal, covering:

•    Self introduction

•    Reasons why you are attracted to the position

•    How it is you believe that you would be effective in the role

•    Application Form - Employment Application Form (Teaching) or Employment Application Form (Non Teaching).

•    Curriculum Vitae

NB. Responses to selection criteria are not required


Applications are submitted to hr@marymede.vic.edu.au

Please contact Gabby Callaghan, HR Manager via hr@marymede.vic.edu.au or 94079000 with any questions regarding the application process.

New Staff Induction Program

New staff members are well supported prior to commencing at Marymede Catholic College. We run two induction days covering the following:

  • Curriculum Overview

  • Student wellbeing Overview

  • IT set up

  • E-Learn resources

  • Buddy system

  • College Tour

  • Child Safety & Reportable Conduct Scheme 

Mentors for new staff

We have a positive working environment where current staff members offer their time and knowledge to be mentors to graduates and buddies to all new staff members

Opportunity for leadership positions and development

At Marymede Catholic College we have established a professional learning culture characterised by accountability, collaboration and inquiry. Teachers and leaders participate in Professional Practice Teams to support our culture of continuous improvement. We seek to encourage future career development and growth through the offering of a range of positions of leadership available across the College. 

We foster a collaborative environment where staff feel empowered to take risks and make positive change. There is a collegial school culture, underpinned by support and teamwork, with student learning central to all that we do. 

Graduate Teacher Program

  • Mentor Support

  • VIT Completion Plan for Graduates (Provisional Registered Teachers)

  • Support in completing VIT Portfolio

Significant support for professional learning and development

Staff are supported in professional learning experiences including:

  • Catholic identity professional learning

  • Whole College and individual professional learning days relating to learning, teaching and wellbeing

  • Graduate Teacher Program

  • Middle Leaders 

  • Senior Leaders 

Collaborative culture among staff

Staff work together to:

  • Help our students to be their best

  • Understand our Catholic tradition

  • Be inspired by how Mary helped others