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Megan Schoombie - Year 10, 2016
Even though we are all occupying the same space, when somebody is struggling, their behaviour and feelings can be overlooked or go unnoticed. The shapes in this work are drawn in such a way as to show the invisibility of mental illness. Many people who experience a rough time in their life cannot be specifically picked out of a crowd and labelled as unhappy. Different emotions are represented in the unique form of each shape. Colour has not been used as I did not want people to slip into a clichéd interpretation of colour; blue as sad, red as anger, yellow as happiness, etcetera. The black and white lines in the background symbolise bars and represent the feeling of being trapped with nowhere to go. The shapes used, vary in size and concentration. Some shapes are larger and some are smaller, as some emotions feel bigger and some feel smaller. Some shapes are darker and some are lighter, as some emotions feel more intense and some are less intense and lighter.